Last minute posters
We invite everyone to submit poster presentations until the extended deadline of August 10. As per the tradition of Conferentia Chemometrica, a Best poster award
will be distributed.
Please note that due to the great interest, rooms at the conference site are no longer available, but a shuttle service will be available in the mornings and evenings for
the guests of the nearby Károly Róbert Hotel.
2nd circular
The second version of the conference circular can be downloaded here, please print it and distribute it among colleagues, students, etc.
This meeting of Hungarian chemometricians was the 36th in a row. The meeting has become international in 1997. The title of the conference now alternates: in odd years
Conferentia Chemometrica, in even years International Symposiums on Computer Applications and Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry. Selected papers of the conference appeared in
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (ACE&CC 2003, Vol. 72 No 2, CC2005 Vol. 87 Issue 1) and later in
Journal of Chemometrics
(CC2007, Vol. 22 Nos. 3-4, SCAC2008 Vol. 23 No. 4, CC2009 Vol. 24. Nos 3-4, SCAC 2010 Vol. 25 No 5, CC 2011 Vols 26 No 3-4.)
The locations were the following so far: Budapest (2003, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2015), Tihany (2004), Hajdúszoboszló (2005), Balatonalmádi (2008), Siófok (2009), Sümeg (2011) Sopron (2013).
Important dates and deadlines
- Early bird registration: June 15, 2017
- Abstract submission: July 15, 2017 (extended deadline for poster abstracts: August 10)
- Notification of acceptance: August 1, 2017
- Payment: August 16, 2017
- Registration: August 16, 2017
- Conference: September 03-06, 2017
- Manuscript submission: September 31, 2017
Poster session
Inspired by past years' success poster contributions are encouraged. Best poster award will be awarded following the tradition (a cup with engravings). A Committee will decide on the best poster(s). The awards will be distributed during the banquet.
Invited Contributions
Leading scientists will be invited to speak about the latest results of their research.
Selected lectures (invited and submitted, oral or poster) will be published in a special issue of the
Journal of Chemometrics (Wiley)
after the normal refereeing process. Authors are cordially asked to submit their manuscript as soon as possible, during the conference or immediately after the conference via the Internet submission system.
One of the reviewers will be chosen from the participants. Please follow the ethical guidelines of American Chemical Society [Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, 387-391].
Conferentia Chemometrica 2017 covers all aspects of chemometrics, as well as cheminformatics.
Applications; Calibration; Classification; Cross-validation; Data analysis; Experimental design; Multivariate techniques; (ANN, HCA, CART, GA, LDA, MCR-ALS, MLR, PCA, QDA, PAT, PCR, PLS, RR, SVM, WFA, etc.) Metabonomics and Metabolomics; Molecular fingerprints; New algorithms; N-way data analysis; Quality assurance; QSAR; QSPR; QSRR; Spectroscopy; teaching of chemometrics, etc.
The official language of the conference is English.